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The Abu Dhabi Call for Global Species Conservation Action

Ghadi news

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Abu Dhabi Call for Global Species Conservation Action

Ghadi News

We, the more than 300 species conservation experts at the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Species Survival Commission Leaders’ Meeting in Abu Dhabi, 6-9 October 2019, call for urgent and effective action to address the unprecedented, unsustainable and growing impacts on wild species from human activities.

Why Are Species Important?
The millions of species on land, in freshwater, and in the ocean have evolved over millennia and form the web of life that sustains the planet. Species and their populations are the building blocks of ecosystems, individually and collectively securing the conditions for life. They provide food, medicine and raw materials. They are the basis of soil formation, decomposition, water filtration and flow, pollination, pest control and climate regulation. They are the primary source of income and resources for hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Species are an essential part of the history, culture, tradition and folklore of every culture on Earth and their aesthetic values and spiritual roles provide comfort and inspiration as well as recreation.
The alarm has been raised repeatedly about the decline in biodiversity across the planet. By allowing this decline to continue, we erode the very foundations of our traditions, economies, livelihoods, food security, health, and even the existence of life worldwide.
The world’s people must accept responsibility for this emergency and act now to ensure we pass on a rich natural heritage to future generations.

Who We Are
The IUCN Species Survival Commission is the world’s largest network of species conservation experts with over 9,000 members globally. It is mandated by the Members of IUCN (governments, NGOs, and indigenous peoples’ organisations) to conserve species. This unique body of biologists, ecologists, wildlife managers, health and social scientists, educators, community representatives, economists and government officials is passionate in its commitment to “A just world that values and conserves nature”. We devote our lives, generally on an entirely voluntary basis, to saving species. We echo the voices of countless concerned people from every corner of the planet.
We support institutions, communities and the private and public sectors around the world to make a positive difference to the species with which we share our planet. We do this by generating and providing knowledge, tools, and guidance on how to best conserve them.
Conservation action works. Many species have been saved from extinction. Through sharing experience and expertise we can scale up success for species survival.



Ref Iucn.org: https://bit.ly/33kTk4u

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